

Every Monday to Friday - four against one:
Anyone who takes on the questions posed by host Andreas Moravec on the Quizmaster can win up to 5,000 euros a day. Four challengers have the chance to compete against the quizmaster in five areas of knowledge and knock him off his throne. In the last two rounds, the quizmaster will then duel with the best challenger. The winner then takes home all the money earned - and enters the ring as quizmaster in the next show. If the quizmaster beats the competition, he or she will compete again for 5,000 euros in the next show.

For further information please visit www.servustv.com


Nikolaus & Nils Klingohr
Servus TV Commissioning editor:
Peter Wolfgruber
Managing editor:
Gerhard Weber
Production Management:
Florian Wiesenhofer

Your contact person
Wiesenhofer Produktionsleitung