Marco's Wonderful World

Marco's Wonderful World

The skills and capabilities that can be developed by the blind when they are encouraged from childhood are shown by Marco Blumenreich, aged 32, therapist and masseur: he has a full-time job, is well versed in several computer languages, develops web sites and Power Point presentations and is skilled in many sports, among them wind surfing, sailing and skiing. Dorothea Broszek, who came down with progressive muscular atrophy as a newborn baby and lives in an electric wheelchair, is able to move only her head and hands – yet she puts in a hard day's work as a manager, does a lot of travelling and lives happily with husband Tibor.


Directed by:
Helene Maimann
Ferdinand Steininger
Paul Kretschmann
Production management:
Severin Moritzer
Rudolf Klingohr

TV-Premiere: 00.00.0000

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