Celebrating Walter Jurmann

Celebrating Walter Jurmann

Walter Jurmann was born in Vienna in 1903. In the 1920s he went to Berlin where he began to put together his international career. Richard Strauss encouraged him and Emerich Kálmán predicted: “You are going to be famous". And Walter Jurmann became famous – very famous indeed.

His score puts the finishing touches to classic movies such as “Mutiny on the Bounty" or “A Night at the Opera". Walter Jurmann died in 1971, aged 67. On the occasion of his 100th birthday, Carlos Alvarez, Dorreta Carter, the Young Tenors, Martina Dorak, Max Raabe, Strobl [&] Sokal celebrated the famous composer's memory.


Directed by:
Christian Reichhold
Paul Prinz
Robert Angst
Michael Oberleitner
Othmar Eichinger
Heinrich Mayer-Moroni
Executive Producer:
Niki Klingohr

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